BHS Stoker System



Stoker System

Thermal Capacity 130.000 - 5.000.000 kcal/h
Kömür Yükleme Kapasitesi: 42- 541 kg/h
Operating Pressure: 1,5 - 1,75 m³

The increase in gas and liquid fuel prices in our country in recent years, and the fact that the fuel inputs in product unit costs have risen to very high levels, lead manufacturers to burn cheaper cost solid fuels. BETA KAZAN Boiler Company provides high efficiency and cheap energy production with low investment costs up to 5,000,000 kcal/h capacities, thanks to its stoker combustion system for the low capacity energy needs of the processes. It is an automatic coal burner that converts liquid and gas fueled boilers to solid fuel by being mounted in front of half cylindrical and cylindrical hot water, superheated water and steam boilers or in the combustion chamber of suitable construction, and offers the possibility of continuous loading to solid fuel boilers. It is a suitable system for the combustion of high calorie lignite and wet coals, which are very dusty and fine-grained, have high volatile matter content, considerable ash melting temperature, and minimum 20% volatile matter content. In manual loading, when the door of the furnace is opened, the temperature of the furnace decreases due to the cold air entering, the combustion is disturbed, and some hot gases escape from the chimney. It takes a while until the system recovers itself. Stoker systems are ideal to eliminate these drawbacks and ensure a regular feeding. The stoker system is also suitable for wooden waste.

It burns fuels such as 0.5-30 mm coal, hazelnut shells, olive pomace, cotton pulp and wood dust with high efficiency.

It burns small grained coals and coal dust with high efficiency.

It reduces combustion flaws and increases combustion efficiency.

It is environmentally friendly.

It works flawlessly under heavy operating conditions.

It provides the perfect solution for large capacities where manual loading is not possible.

It ensures that sufficient amount of fresh air is sent to the combustion chamber.

It reduces the amount of unburned solid fuel.

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